How to make Iced Coffee
Coffee Brewing Guidelines
At Boulder Organic Coffee we believe that coffee is more than the beverage that you start your day with, it is a taste experience. It continues to amaze us that you can brew the same coffee in different apparatuses and bring out unique qualities that each method highlights. We believe that coffee brewing is a science and we encourage experimenting to your personal taste preference
Remember These 6 Factors that Affect Your Brew

- Coffee Particle Size
- Water Temperature
- Contact Time
- Agitation
- Heat Retention
- Coffee-to-Water Ratio
Check out our brewing methods to get you started on experiencing the best fresh Fair Trade and Organic Coffee.
As the seasons change and the temperature rises, you may be looking for alternative ways to drink coffee. Cold Brew is a delicious way to start you morning or the perfect afternoon treat.
What You’ll Need

- Boulder Organic Coffee
- Filtered Water
- Bona Vita 1 Liter Gooseneck Kettle
- Zelancio 8-Cup French Press
- Bodom Bistro Burr Grinder
- Scale or Tablespoon
- Thermometer
- Timer
- Coffee Cup
Total Time
• 1 Hour & 5 Minutes

• Bring filtered water to a boil. The amount will vary by size of French Press.
• Grind 28 grams (or 4 tablespoons) of coffee to a medium grind. Remember that you will need 28 grams for every 8 oz of water used.
• Pour 200° F water over grounds until the press is ¼ of the way full and stir.
• Fill the press so the grinds are 1” below the pour spout.
• Set your timer for 4 minutes and allow the coffee to steep.
• Press the filter down and transfer coffee to a closed container to cool for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
• Put ice into a glass and pour cooled coffee over ice. ENJOY!
NOTE: Use extra ice if pouring hot coffee over ice.